Saturday, January 18, 2014

First Assigned Area

First Assigned Area:  Rotorua New Zealand!

12/20/2013:  From Alexis’ Mission President- “Sister Doole arrived safely to Hamilton, and is already laboring in her new area. Her companion is Sister Simkins and they will also be serving with Sister Pongi. They will be serving in the Rotorua Zone.  We love Sister Doole already.” 

My trainer is Sister Simkins from New Mexico and my other companion is Sister Pongi from Tonga.. I really like both of them! We share our ward with two Elders who are both super nice. One from Texas and one from Samoa. They drive us everywhere. (Oh yeah we don't have a car because both the sisters here before us couldn’t drive) We do have bikes but we can't ride them because Sister Simkins had knee surgery right before her mission and it didn't heal properly so the motion of biking kills her knee. So we walk everywhere or the Elders pick us up if we're going to the same area. The people here are really friendly for the most part. They LOVE hugs and kisses on the cheek. I feel so weird hugging complete strangers but I guess I will get used to it. 

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